Transforming business operations with seamless data access


Product Designer with 3 other designers.


Duration: 3 months
June 2021 - August 2021


As part of an internal project at Mantel Group, I designed an internal web app that allows users to access data for contract tracing and manage employee information.


  • User interviews

  • Usability testing

  • User journey

  • Information architecture

  • Low-fidelity wireframes

  • High-fidelity prototypes

Disclaimer: Due to my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted some information in this case study. All information in this case study is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of Mantel Group. The following work shown is in collaboration with Benita Botha, Simone Chaitra and Yvonne Hill.

Transforming business operations with seamless data access


Product Designer with 3 other designers.


Duration: 3 months
June 2021 - August 2021


As part of an internal project at Mantel Group, I designed an internal web app that allows users to access data for contract tracing and manage employee information.


  • User interviews

  • Usability testing

  • User journey

  • Information architecture

  • Low-fidelity wireframes

  • High-fidelity prototypes

Disclaimer: Due to my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted some information in this case study. All information in this case study is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of Mantel Group. The following work shown is in collaboration with Benita Botha, Simone Chaitra and Yvonne Hill.

Transforming business operations with seamless data access


Product Designer with 3 other designers.


Duration: 3 months
June 2021 - August 2021


As part of an internal project at Mantel Group, I designed an internal web app that allows users to access data for contract tracing and manage employee information.


  • User interviews

  • Usability testing

  • User journey

  • Information architecture

  • Low-fidelity wireframes

  • High-fidelity prototypes

Disclaimer: Due to my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted some information in this case study. All information in this case study is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of Mantel Group. The following work shown is in collaboration with Benita Botha, Simone Chaitra and Yvonne Hill.


Managing data on who has come into the office amidst the pandemic

Following the onset of the pandemic, there were a series of covid safe practices and guidelines that Mantel Group was now required to comply with. In response to this, the company released a mobile app for employees to book an office desk and check into the office.

The operations team was in the process of adapting to managing the data coming from the mobile app to execute vital operations.


An admin facing tool to monitor data = better covid management + work efficiency

We hypothesised from our current assumptions that a tool with administrative functions to support the operations team would allow them to manage covid related tasks efficiently and effectively.


Understanding the operations team through initial interviews

We wanted to first understand how the operations team currently worked within the business and validate our hypothesis. Our specific objectives were to:

  • Understand the operations team behaviour and attitude.

  • Understand the current processes they have in place for covid safe practices.

  • Identify what type of data is required for covid safe practices and how it is managed and obtained.

Line of Enquiry

Affinity mapping

A total of 5 interviews were conducted with employees in the operations team. Our key findings validated our initial hypothesis and highlighted that the problems extended beyond covid related data to also general employee information.

It is important to have quick and easy access to data in order to respond to urgent situations in a timely manner.

The operations team do a lot of context switching because they tend to juggle multiple responsibilities and tasks.

They need data on who has booked/checked into the office, dietary requirements and contact information.

The information is not accessible to everyone and spread across multiple systems.


A tedious and error prone manual process when responding to a positive covid case at the office

Building on the findings from the user interviews, we created a user journey to visualise what team members experience in the scenario that they require access to data. This helped us to prioritise the use case as well as identify the pain points and opportunities for the design the MVP features.


The operations team are frustrated spending a prolonged amount of time attempting to access data for contact tracing as well as general employee information. They need to access reliable data from one source of truth in a streamlined manner.

…how might we give the operations team access to reliable data from one source of truth in a streamlined manner?


Developing the requirements for a web app that consolidates employee information and enables oversight of bookings and check-ins to the office.

We brainstormed and prioritised the following MVP features as requirements:

  1. Overview of the status for each office location.

  2. Table of bookings and check-ins to the office.

  3. Data visualisation of the attendance list.

  4. Employee directory with search & filters.


Translating the requirements into a structure users can navigate

Next, we determined the structure of the site and the key content/functionality going onto the page that would serve as a framework for our initial designs.


Continuous feedback loop with task scenario testing & feasibility and viability checks

We continuously sought feedback from users, our product owner and developers on the prototype. This informed the design iterations and improved the user experience as we progressed from lo-fidelity to hi-fidelity.

For the user testing session, we created a discussion guide with tasks for them to execute on the prototype.

The feedback we received validated the MVP and uncovered further interactions and components that users required on the page.






Hub overview (Before)

What could be improved

  • Showing a live number of the capacity, book ins and check ins was not feasible for the MVP.

Hub overview (After)

New design

  • We used a table to accomodate for the new information we were displaying on the Hub overview.

Attendance List (Before)

What could be improved

  • Information in the table: users would most likely use the contact information (email and phone number) rather than the home address.

  • Required function to search for someone specific.

Attendance List (After)

New design

  • Removed the home address and replaced it with the email address.

  • Added a search bar.

  • Added a sorting function for the "Checked in" table column to sort employees by those who have or have not checked in.

Attendance Graph (Before)

What could be improved

  • Calendar picker: viewing specific time periods.

  • Data visualisation: more context is required.

Attendance Graph (After)

New design

  • Added more options in the calendar picker for the user to see the last week, month or year etc.

  • Added a hover state.

  • Included the capacity number.

Employee details (Before)

What could be improved

  • Terminology used: Users did not associate the term "Contact Details" with employee information shown in the table.

Employee details (After)

New design

  • "Contact Details" changed to "Employee Details".

  • Changing the filter into 3 separate filters for ease of use and more direct access.


Dashboard view

An efficient way to be informed and updated on key information about the office branches.

Attendance list

Powerful search, sort and filter to find people for fast and accurate contact tracing.

Attendance graph

Identify trends and insights to make informed decisions and effectively manage the offices.

Employee details

Important employee information all consolidated into one place.


A snapshot of our component library


A solution with potential to optimise processes and take the team's productivity to the next level

We successfully designed and validated that Admin Connect as a user-centred solution which aims to provide the operations team a seamless way to access data critical for covid contract tracing and managing essential employee information. There is potential for the solution to optimise what is currently a manual and inefficient work flow process and help the team to stay on top of it all, saving time and reducing the risk of error.

While implementation of the designs was placed on hold, we had planned to measure the success post launch within the first few weeks of launch by collecting:

  • Qualitative user feedback

  • Task completion rates

We successfully designed and validated that Admin Connect as a user-centred solution which aims to provide the operations team a seamless way to access data critical for covid contract tracing and managing essential employee information. There is potential for the solution to optimise what is currently a manual and inefficient work flow process and help the team to stay on top of it all, saving time and reducing the risk of error.

While implementation of the designs was placed on hold, we had planned to measure the success post launch within the first few weeks of launch by collecting:

  • Qualitative user feedback

  • Task completion rates

We successfully designed and validated that Admin Connect as a user-centred solution which aims to provide the operations team a seamless way to access data critical for covid contract tracing and managing essential employee information. There is potential for the solution to optimise what is currently a manual and inefficient work flow process and help the team to stay on top of it all, saving time and reducing the risk of error.

While implementation of the designs was placed on hold, we had planned to measure the success post launch within the first few weeks of launch by collecting:

  • Qualitative user feedback

  • Task completion rates


  • Data-driven decision making: I had originally held the assumption that pagination would be preferred over indefinite scrolling based on my desk research that suggested pagination is best suited in the instance the user is searching for specific content. However, this was proven to be wrong once we had put the 2 options through usability testing which showed indefinite scrolling was the winner.