Empowering users to take charge of their health journey


Lead product designer with a junior designer.


Duration: 1 month
May 2024


I crafted innovative concept designs for a preventative health mobile web app, employing iterative prototyping and storytelling to create a user-centered vision of product that empowers users to take charge of their health.


  • Journey map

  • High-fidelity prototype

Disclaimer: Due to my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted some information in this case study. All information in this case study is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of Medibank and Myhealth. The following work is done in collaboration with Maurizio Lamanna.

Empowering users to take charge of their health journey


Lead product designer with a junior designer.


Duration: 1 month
May 2024


I crafted innovative concept designs for a preventative health mobile web app, employing iterative prototyping and storytelling to create a user-centered vision of product that empowers users to take charge of their health.


  • Journey map

  • High-fidelity prototype

Disclaimer: Due to my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted some information in this case study. All information in this case study is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of Medibank and Myhealth. The following work is done in collaboration with Maurizio Lamanna.

Empowering users to take charge of their health journey


Lead product designer with a junior designer.


Duration: 1 month
May 2024


I crafted innovative concept designs for a preventative health mobile web app, employing iterative prototyping and storytelling to create a user-centered vision of product that empowers users to take charge of their health.


  • Journey map

  • High-fidelity prototype

Disclaimer: Due to my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted some information in this case study. All information in this case study is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of Medibank and Myhealth. The following work is done in collaboration with Maurizio Lamanna.


Bringing a concept from idea to vision

Medibank is a health company providing private health insurance and health services to millions of people across Australia. Our challenge was to help them create a vision and visual narrative around the idea of a preventative health app that informs a user about the health checks that they need to take as they age.



Customer discovery to identify our users

For the initial concept, our users would be existing customers of Medibank. Due to the nature and timeline of the project, we did not conduct user testing and interviews. However, we had consulted with a GP from the Myhealth Medical Group, who acted as our subject matter expert, to identify the specific user groups we were potentially targeting:



Worried Well

Healthy people who think they might have a medical problem or an illness/disease.



People who do not routinely get a health check and/or visit the doctor.


Preventative health care journey

Through closely working with a key business stakeholder and consultations with the GP, we developed a user journey map to identify what flow and screens to design. The map demonstrates the ideal end to end user experience using the preventative health app.


Rebecca is a busy professional in her mid-40s, who prioritises her wellbeing but struggles to keep track of preventative care.

Note to help users understand their health checks, we prioritised designing the landing page – a key touchpoint during the consideration stage.



Rebecca begins using the app and answers the minimum number of questions to help personalise her experience.

Rebecca begins using the app and answers the minimum number of questions to help personalise her experience.



She is recommended multiple health checks based on the information she provided.

She is recommended multiple health checks based on the information she provided.



She chooses to book an appointment with Dr Eva who to complete her heart health check in person.

She chooses to book an appointment with Dr Eva who to complete her heart health check in person.



As part of a follow up, Rebecca joins a video call where she chats with Dr Eva about the results from the tests done around her heart health.

As part of a follow up, Rebecca joins a video call where she chats with Dr Eva about the results from the tests done around her heart health.

Post-check up

Post-check up

The app shows Rebecca that she has completed her heart health check and earned 500 live better points. She feels she can take care of her health with confidence and ease.

The app shows Rebecca that she has completed her heart health check and earned 500 live better points. She feels she can take care of her health with confidence and ease.

Journey Map


Creating an approachable look and feel

We also explored how to apply the Myhealth branding to the app which is recognisable for it's orange colour palette. The goal was to create a friendly and inviting atmosphere. While orange is energetic, I wanted to avoid overwhelming users. Therefore, I balanced a bright orange accent with a clean white and neutral background.


Iterative prototyping on navigating health checks

One of the most complex screens was the landing page that required translating the preventative activities over a lifecycle, into an intuitive and seamless user interface so that someone feels comfortable with where they are on it and where they are going in their health journey.

Reference document

Option 1


  • Users can filter the health checks to specific areas of health.


  • Breaking down the health checks to a granular level of tests can introduce further complexity as it is ultimately up to the doctor's discretion.

  • The filters can be unnecessary if there are not many health checks due.

Option 2


  • The visual graph is impactful in communicating a future vision where users can navigate through their health journey as they age.


  • This may not be practical as we have yet to validate how important it is for users to see what health checks they have at every age group.

Option 3


  • A focussed view to track their progress and see what health checks are due with the option to toggle to see another year.


  • The additional content for each health check can created a cluttered view if there are many due in a single year.

  • The toggle does not visually show an overview of health checks overtime.

The power of a visual graph in building a vision

To fuel excitement and conversation across the business about the concept, we chose to pursue option 2 for our high-fidelity designs.

In saying that we noted down questions that would require further exploration if the business decided to invest more time and resources into making the concept an actual product.

  • How important is it for users to see what health checks they have at every age group?

  • Would a horizontal or vertical scroll be more pragmatic when discovering the health checks?

  • How regularly would they need to be viewing the health checks they need to do?


Navigating the health journey in life

The app recommends health checks specific for each age group, allowing a person to keep track of what is due, done or new and upcoming. This view can be helpful to the "worried well" by providing a clear preventative care plan that may ease their health concerns.

To incentivise the "invisible" masses we designed it so that booking a health check will let them earn live better points to redeem with Medibank.


Inspiring a broad group of stakeholders about the future direction

We created a visual narrative for a presentation showcasing the concept designs. This was shared with a wider group of stakeholders across the business to help inform the roadmap.


"I wanted to let you know that the work was really well received and that people "just got it". They got the concept, connected with the visuals, saw the value in the approach, and didn't get bogged down in details, instead focusing on the larger discussions we were trying to have."

Chris Kirby

Lead Product Designer


  • Storytelling was an important aspect of the project in bridging the gap between an idea and a vision. By weaving the initial narrative around the concept through the journey map, we were able to make informed design decisions around what functionality and features would be required. While a traditional visual graph may not have been feasible, our approach achieved the goal of sparking a conversation across the business around the idea.